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Ben Buckland Auctions






Why Auctions?

Quickly converts real or personal property into CASH.

You decide the day and time of sale, for your convenience.

Auctions typically outperform any other type of sale method. Use auctions for Real Estate, Antiques, Collectibles, Business, or whatever. The competitive bidding creates interest and excitement, and stimulates prices.

What causes people to come to an auction?
1. They want to see if they can get a bargain.
2. They want to have fun. It's Social. It's entertaining. It's Fascinating. Tradition.
3. They never know what they might find…

1. Everything Sells.
2. One day, and it's over.
3. Statistics show the sale usually brings a total of more than you'd expect. (Even though some larger items may sell for less, the smaller items bring the total up)

What type of personal property auctions do better?
1. Estate and Farm Sales do better than most other types of sales.
2. Sales at property locations do better than sales at Storage Buildings.
3. Consignment sales sometimes don't do as as well as one-owner sales.
4. For "Antique Dealer" Auctions to do really well, the quality of items for sale must convince Buyers they're not "Left-overs".
5. Appliances/Antiques/Farm Equipment or Nice, Clean Items, draw the crowds.

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